Our Services

Living Services

Living Services

Mission Mountain Enterprises, Inc. (MME) provides living arrangements for individuals with disabilities, in an array of community settings. Depending on the person’s preferences, strengths, abilities, and/or needs; he or she may live in a group home, an apartment, in a rented home, or in their own home. 

All individuals MME supports live-in the community of their choosing, where they share activities with housemates and enjoy a sense of companionship and a feeling of family. Living arrangements for people with disabilities are provided in a variety of community settings. Our group homes provide a private, secure personal space. They are fully licensed and inspected, with 24-hour supervision. 

Benefits of Community Living 

Personal preference and informed choices are used when decisions are made for alternative living arrangements. Community support individuals receive overnight assistance and monitoring, if requested by the person served. Quality health care and safety is a corporate priority. 

  • Routine Community Activities 
  • Leisure-time Activities 
  • Transportation is Provided 


MME provides employment services through both our organization and out in a community setting.

Organizational Employment

There are a variety of paying jobs available at our Work/Activity Centers. MME services consist of:

  • Activity centers: There are a variety of jobs our individuals can do within our activity centers. From sorting laundry, mopping floors, to organizing workspaces we find appropriate jobs for all levels of ability.
  • Thrift stores: Both of our thrift stores provide our individuals with a variety of work experiences. Our individuals work in production and customer service to assist in building job skills and improving social skills.
  • Mobile janitorial crews: Our organization has janitorial crews who can be hired to clean area businesses in off hours. Our individuals work as a team to complete these jobs which aids in team building and learning how to work well with others. 

Transportation services are provided by MME for work services. All individuals are compensated for their work. Employment placement is based on interests and preferences of the individual. Skills and overall potential is also assessed to ensure job placement is accurate to the personal skill set and preferences for everyone in order to help them succeed.


Community Integration and Recreation

Community activities including recreational, religious, cultural, vocational and educational pursuits are all part of MMEs Community Integration and Recreation Programs. By identifying the needs and desires of individuals MME staff will provide experiences and education to help individual meet their goals.

Participation in Community Integration programs and Recreation programs offers greater self-sufficiency, self-efficacy, and increased self-esteem to our individuals. They learn how to become effective and proactive members of their community and environment. An individual may participate in a variety of community life experiences which include religious activities, cultural activities, vocational pursuits, educational activities, and leisure/recreational activities. At MME we work hard to provide our individuals with life experiences which help them grow and succeed.


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